Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator: Xue-bin Bian
Education background
2000~2004, B. S., HeNan Normal University.
2004~2009, Ph.D, Wuhan institute of Physics and Mathematics, CAS.
Work experience
2009~2014, Postdoctoral fellow, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,Canada.
2014~present, Prof., Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, CAS, Wuhan, China.
E-mial: Research contents
1) High-order harmonic generation in gases, solids, and liquids;
2) Above-threshold ionization, double ionization;
3) Strong-field processes in topological and disordered materials;
4) THz emissions.
Ming-Hu Yuan
Education background
2005.9~2009.7: B. S. Inner Mongolia University.
2009.8~2015.1: Ph. D. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS.
Work experience
2015.1~2017.3: Post-doctor, Wuhan Institute of Physics andMathematics, CAS.
2017.3~present: Associate professor, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS.
Research contents
E-mail: Ultrafast electron dynamics in ultrafast laser pulses.
Including: (a) the interaction between atoms and circularly polarized laser pulses;
(b) the tunneling ionization; (c) multi-photon ionization; (d) photoelectron holography.
Jia-xiang Chen
Education background
2011.9~2015.7: B. S., Lanzhou University.
2015.9~2021.12: Ph. D., Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics.
Work experience
2021.12~present: Post-doctor, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS.
Research contents
(a) High-order harmonic generation. (b) Attosecond science. (c) two- dimensional spectroscopy.
Jia-qi Liu
Education background
2013.9~2017.7, B. S., China University of Geosciences, Wuhan.
2017.9~2022.6, Ph. D., Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS.
Work experience
2022.9~present, Post-doctor, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS.
Research contents
(a). Attosecond science. (b). High-order harmonic generation. (c). E-mail: Electron dynamics in condensed matter systems.